Sarah Kephart
Sarah Kephart was born in Cleveland, TN. and currently lives in Chattanooga. She comes to the H*Art Gallery through the AIM Center, where she enjoys taking art classes. She likes being able to use art supplies that she might not normally have access to, and likes the community atmosphere that it provides because she has had trouble making friends in the past. Ironically, the one thing that she fears the most (other people) is actually the thing that she desires the most, and is receiving that connection with others through her art experiences. She feels that art allows her to communicate her feelings in a safe way. She has been struggling with Anorexia, in addition to other mental health issues for about ten years, which culminated in a long-term stay in a treatment facility and is doing well in her recovery. Art has been a crucial element in her recovery process, helping to relieve mental and emotional stress by enabling her to get her darker moments out on paper. She also loves the way that her art can help her relate to others through shared experience. One of her artistic goals is to communicate a sense of belonging for anyone that might feel marginalized in any capacity.