Judy Aslinger
Judy Aslinger was born and raised on a farm in Sale Creek, TN. in 1958. She is the mother of 7 children, but says there are many other who called her "Momma". She is self taught artist who works in a wide variety of media such as: painting, sewing, knitting, and jewelry. Through a series of unfortunate events including a car wreck and a stroke (which left her unable to work), she lost almost everything. She moved in with a childhood friend who turned out to be a abusive drug user. She herself used drugs to cope, but is now in a group home and living drug free. Despite health problems and other challenges, she has goals of getting a home, a car, and being able to help her youngest child through her last year of college. She receives counseling for her depression, and uses art as a mean of recovery and rejuvenation.