Community Classes
We offer several classes a week that take place in our community. These classes are made up of a variety of people. We work with the homeless community, low-income seniors, those with physical or mental challenges, and at risk inner-city youth. Our professional staff work with volunteers and their ideas to set up classes and projects throughout the community. We partner with several organizations and non-profits around the city to join together in our pursuits of bringing growth and art expression to our community. We do it through art and conversation. We hope to instill creativity and give the people, who might not otherwise have the opportunity, a chance to create something and see where it leads them. Most recently we have begun offering professional art expression classes to organizations for their clients and staff hoping to use art as a way of healing and nourishment for the soul.
Open Studio for H♥ART-Artists
Twice weekly we host artists participating in programming to come to the gallery, share a meal, and create! Much of the beautiful work for sale is created in these magical hours each week at the Gallery!
Seniors with H♥ART-Various Senior Living Facilities in Downtown Chattanooga
We bring art making to groups of seniors living in residences in downtown. High school students are our primary volunteers for these groups to facilitate intergenerational learning and conversation. We are thankful to the Tennessee Arts Commission for supporting this program
Studio E
Studio E is a partnership with the Epilepsy Foundation working with young people living with epilepsy. Each month the gallery hosts an evening of art creating for the kids while the parents take an opportunity to discuss their struggles and joys in their own group.
Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga
In our weekly art expression class we work with families in transition teaching some coping skills for dealing with their uncertain situation.
Low Vision Weekly Art Expression Group
In this weekly group program we assist artists to continue their creative vision and cope with changing eyesight. This class is open to the public with a paid reservation. All art making materials are provided as participants work with therapeutic guidance in creating.
Maclellan Family Shelter
Twice a month we bring art expression to the families in transition living at Maclellan. Parents and children together have time to reflect on what is positive in their lives and art as a way to express the emotions, stress, and family dynamics of experiencing homelessness.
Hosanna Community
Once a month we offer the clients art expression classes that work to help beautify their surrounding and work with art to help integrate cognitive and emotive modalities.
Ongoing Programming
We have short term, 6-8 week programs that are consistently taking place within the community with various partnering organizations as well as our year round programs.
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